am an American Too. "To
those of you who think abortion should be legal, when exactly does a fetus
become a child? Even after just forty days, brain waves are detected. After 10
weeks, a fetus has fully formed feet. Where's the line between life and a lump
of tissue?" "I
think that a woman's body is her temple. What she chooses to do with her body is
up to her. If she is not ready for a child, she should not go through birth and
adoption. Why ruin your own life and your child's life? The baby hasn't
experienced life, so no loss would come to it." "I don't think abortion should be
illegal; however, I would consider special circumstances if it posed a health
risk. I feel bad for victims of rape and incest. They must remember, however,
that like them, the child is also a victim. For
those with 'accidents,' learn some responsibility."