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This Effect the Woman 

Most Probable Side Effects
Intense Bleeding
Placental, Uteral, or Cervical Infenction or Rupture
Reduced Fertility
Breast cancer

Common Abortion Side Effects
Infertility, Cervical Laceration, Uncontrollable blood clotting, Severe hemorrhage, Seizures, Coma, Cancer, Death


Effect on Male about Abortion

Some people believe that men have no place acting in the abortion debate. This belief is similar to an opinion that only those who have been robbed should be able to protect others against robbery. Males are affected by abortion in two very different and two very important ways.

Males are affected by abortion because boys can be aborted as easily as girls. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of males are aborted every year in the United States. These are the boys with whom adult males can associate. Men were there once. They'll protect their pasts to ensure their futures.

The second way is a more political reason. All of the laws in government today are created through the morals that make the most people happy. If one looks hard enough, it is possible to find someone who doesn't think murder as a hate crime should be against the law. But does that mean that hate crimes should be legal to protect the beliefs of that one person? No; racial murder is a crime because most people think it necessary to protect other people. Even those of races not affected by these murders support laws so that others can be protected.

Laws, such as drug abuse prevention, are enforced to protect us, however we are basically free to do what we wish with our own bodies. A pregnant mother has this same right to do what she wants with her own body. Men and women who aren't pregnant don't have a say in what she does with herself. The difference between this and the murder law is that laws generally can't interfere with what people do to themselves, but they can interfere with how people negatively impact others.

The mother has a say over her own body, but there is a separate being inside of her. People other than the mother have a right to protect the fetus because they are affecting a different person. No pregnant females and males have a right and a responsibility to be involved in the issue.



It is claimed by abortion proponents that abortion is safer than childbirth. they claim 1 death per 100,000 abortions compared to 10 deaths per 100,000 deliveries... NOT TRUE

Abortion deaths have been grossly under reported because the information was close for the public to view.

What they won't tell you in abortion clinics is that...

1. Abortion isn't safe... Contrary to belief that abortion is really simple, it is really a serious procedure. Clinic personnel will lead you to believe complications rarely arise, but this isn't the case.  Many women have been damaged for life as a result of their legal abortion.

2. Abortion leaves emotional scars... Most often a woman will feel the consequences of her decisions within days of her abortion. If they don't occur immediately, they will appear as she gets older.

3. Abortion is violent... Most common method of abortion used in early pregnancy is suction aspiration, the cervix is forced open.  A vacuum device is 29 times more powerful than a home vacuum cleaner is used to suction out the "contents of the uterus."