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   Mommy,How Could You Kill Me?

I am an American Too.

I am endowed by my Creator
with the unalienable right to life.
Just like you, and every other American.
You know who I am.
Now that you can see my face,
will you use your voice?
Please tell America,
I am an American, too.

"To those of you who think abortion should be legal, when exactly does a fetus become a child? Even after just forty days, brain waves are detected. After 10 weeks, a fetus has fully formed feet. Where's the line between life and a lump of tissue?"

-- Jessica, 16, from Notre Dame Academy in Park Hills, Kentucky

"I think that a woman's body is her temple. What she chooses to do with her body is up to her. If she is not ready for a child, she should not go through birth and adoption. Why ruin your own life and your child's life? The baby hasn't experienced life, so no loss would come to it."

-- Carley, 14, from River View High School in Warsaw, Ohio

"I don't think abortion should be illegal; however, I would consider special circumstances if it posed a health risk. I feel bad for victims of rape and incest. They must remember, however, that like them, the child is also a victim. For those with 'accidents,' learn some responsibility."

-- Staci, 18, from Cairo High School in Cairo, Georgia